1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Researcher to speak at The International Conference on Small States and Economic Resilience

23 Apr 2007

UNRISD Research Coordinator, Naren Prasad, will be participating in The International Conference on Small States and Economic Resilience that is being organized by the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Islands and Small States Institute (ISSI), in collaboration with the Economics Department of the University of Malta. The conference will be held at the Foundation for International Studies, Malta between 23 and 25 April 2007. For more information on the conference please click here.

This conference is a sequel to and builds upon three previous workshops on economic vulnerability and resilience with special reference to small states also organised by the Commonwealth Secretariat and the University of Malta, and held on the island of Gozo, Malta, in March 2004, March 2005 and April 2006. These three workshops were mostly of a technical nature, and led to the construction of a resilience index, which when juxtaposed against the vulnerability index, assessed the risk of being harmed by external shocks.

The planned outcome of this conference is to identify and propose suitable policies for economic resilience building in small states and to explore ways in which the Resilience Index could be operationalised.

This work is related to Naren Prasad's ongoing research at UNRISD on Social Policies in Small States, which is part of the UNRISD programme area Social Policy and Development. To access this programme area, please click here.