1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Reaches out to Colombian Students Searching for Sustainable Development and Lasting Peace

4 Dec 2017

UNRISD Reaches out to Colombian Students Searching for Sustainable Development and Lasting Peace
On 29 November, UNRISD introduced a group of about 20 Colombian students to our research and work for impact. The students from three universities (Universidad EAFIT, Universidad de La Sabana, Universidad EAN de Colombia) were in Geneva as part of a study tour of Geneva-based UN bodies and specialized agencies working in areas related to trade and development, and also to help Colombian universities build stronger relations with the United Nations.

The presentation covered an overview of UNRISD and its contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting our work on Social and Solidarity Economy, Corporate Social Responsibility, and our recent Flagship Report Policy Innovations for Transformative Change.

The students’ engagement was evident both during and after the presentation, as they displayed a strong awareness that Colombia is a regional leader in implementation of the SDGs and a big advocate of social and sustainable development, although they felt it lagged behind in research on these topics. They were particularly interested in heterodox economics and what comes after neoliberalism, as well as how to integrate business and social research. Questions specific to Colombia centred on encouraging civic participation and government accountability, as well as social and economic integration in the aftermath of the long-running conflict in Colombia.

Photo: María Alejandra González