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New Book: From Unsustainable to Inclusive Cities

7 Feb 2005

The contributors to this volume reflect on the actual content of sustainable development as practiced in, and how they would envision sustainable development for, their cities. What efforts, official and unofficial, are being made in the name of achieving sustainable development? What are the shortcomings of the actors and institutions expected to partake in realizing this goal? And what steps are required to move forward?

Chapters by researchers who have worked closely with, or studied efforts by, the international community to influence urban development complement the country and city analysis.

Editor David Westendorff argues that cities must take human rights as a guide to urban planning and governance but that very few have chosen to do so to date and that hence much remains to be done.

Introduction: Sustainable Cities and Views of Southern Practitioners, David Westendorff
Part 1: Case Studies
Promoting Environmentalism, Participation and Sustainable Human Development in Cities of Southeast Asia, Adrian Atkinson
Sustainable Urban Development in India: An Inclusive Perspective, Darshini Mahadevia
Metropolization and the Ecological Crisis: Precarious Settlements in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, Sebastian Wust, Jean-Claude Bolay and Thai Thai Ngoc Du
Sustainable Development in an Urban Tanzanian Context, Batilda Burian and Alphonce T. Kyariga
Unsustainable Development: The Philippine Experience, Karina Constantino-David
Sustainable Development and Democracy in the Megacities, Jaime Joseph
Part 2: International Trends and Actors Affecting Sustainability
Alliances in International Co-operation: A Change of Paradigm in Urban Governance?, Isabelle Milbert
Sustainable Development for Urban Poor: Applying a Human Rights Approach to the Problem, David Westendorff
Annex: The Changing Role of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation under Globalization

David Westendorff was a research co-ordinator at UNRISD from 1991 to 2001. He is now a researcher and consultant on urban governance issues based at the Centre for the Study of Modern China at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

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