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UN Team to present at workshop for "Social Policy & Development: China in Comparative Perspective" in Beijing, China.

14 Nov 2008

UNRISD Director, Thandika Mkandawire, and UNRISD Research Coordinator, Katja Hujo, are to take part in a workshop jointly organized by UNRISD, DFID (Department for International Development, United Kingdom) and IPRCC (International Poverty Reduction Center China) on 17 and 18 November 2008 in Beijing, China.

The focus of the workshop will be on comparing social policy experiences. Thandika will share his findings related to the UNRISD project ”Social Policy in a Development Context”, while Katja will speak about her work on ”Financing Social Policy”, as part of the results of UNRISD’s global research project on Social Policy and Development. Moreover, researchers from prestigious Chinese think tanks as well as representatives from international organizations will share their extensive experience of social policy in China.

2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the start of the reforms in China, the world’s leading champion in economic development in terms of growth rates and structural transformation. Since 1978 the reforms helped to lift more than half a billion people out of poverty.

UNRISD has conducted a range of research projects related to social policy in a development context including comparative regional studies on Latin America, the Middle East, East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Nordic countries, and thematically-focused research on gender, financing, migration, and health care.

Please use the links to the right of this page to view the full press release.

联合国官员在北京国际研讨会 : « 社会政策和发展 : 中国的比较观念 »

联合国社会发展研究所所长,坦迪卡 姆坎达怀尔先生, 研究协调员卡蒂尔 胡菊女士出席由社发 所,英国国际发展部 和中国国际扶贫中心联合举办的研讨会,于 十一月十七至十八日在北京举 行。

研讨会旨在比较社会政策工作的经验。姆坎达怀尔先生将重点谈论社发所的研究项目 “ 发展主题 下的社会政策” , 胡菊女士将讨论社发所社会政策和发展的全球研究项目“为社会政策集资”。出席研讨会的还有中国著名学府的研究人员以及国际组织的代表。

2008 年是中国改革开放的三十周年。中国的经济增长和体制改革在世界上具有瞩目的领先地 位。 自从1978 年来,中国的改革使亿万人摆脱了贫穷。

联合国社会发展研究所就发展主题下的社会政策的比较研究涵盖了世界各区域, 包括拉丁美 洲,中东, 东亚,非洲撒哈拉以及北欧国家。社会政策的研究重点是妇女问题,筹集资金,迁 徙和医疗保障。

坦迪卡 姆坎达怀尔先生愿意在十一月十七日接受记者采访。联系采访 :
联合国社会发展研究所 Claudia Notthoff 女士, 电话 : 41 (0) 22 917 1374

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