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New Book: Ethnic Inequalities and Public Sector Governance

10 Aug 2006

Using empirical data and a typology that classifies countries according to their levels of ethnic polarization, contributors discuss the links between ethnicity, inequality and governance. Their findings suggest that it is not the existence of diversity per se, but types of diversity that explain potentials for conflict or cohesion in multiethnic societies. Relative equality has been achieved in the public sectors of countries that are highly fragmented or those with ethnicity-sensitive policies, but not in those with ethnicity-blind policies. The book is critical of approaches to conflict management that underplay background conditions in shaping choices.

This book will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers and students in the fields of ethnic conflict, public policies, development studies, governance and politics. Practitioners concerned with ethnic diversity and conflict management will also find the book useful.

Introduction: Ethnic Inequalities and Public Sector Governance, Y. Bangura
Part I: Unipolar Ethnic Structures
1. Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Lithuania, N. Kasatkina and V. Beresneviciute
2. Botswana: Ethnic Structure and Public Sector Governance, O. Selolwane
Part II: Bipolar Ethnic Structures
3. Regulating Bipolar Divisions: Ethnic Structure, Public Sector Inequality and Electoral Engineering in Fiji, J. Fraenkel
4. Ethnic Conflict, Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Trinidad and Tobago, R.R. Premdas
5. In Defiance of Fate: Ethnic Inequality and Governance in Latvia, A. Pabriks
6. Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Belgium, K. Deschouwer
Part III: Tripolar Ethnic Structures
7. Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Nigeria, A. R. Mustapha
8. Ethnic Structure, Inequalities and Public Sector Governance in Malaysia, Khoo B. T.
9. Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ethnicity, Inequality and Public Sector Governance, F. Bieber
10. Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Governance in the Public Sector in Switzerland, W. Linder and I. Steffen
Part IV: Multipolar Ethnic Structures
11. Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Ghana, E. Gyimah-Boadi and R. Asante
12. Ethnicity, Inequality and Public Sector Governance in Kenya, K. Kanyinga
13. Ethnicity, Representation and the Governance of Public Institutions in India, N. G. Jayal
14. Ethnicity, Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Papua New Guinea, R. Anere
15. Ethnic Structure, Inequality and Governance of the Public Sector in Tanzania, J. E. Nyang'oro

Yusuf Bangura is Research Co-ordinator at UNRISD, where he has coordinated projects on structural adjustment, public sector reform, ethnic inequalities and public sector governance, racism and public policy, technocratic policy making, and democracy and social policy. He has published widely on these issues.

Ethnic Inequalities and Public Sector Governance is copublished with Palgrave Macmillan; hardback, ISBN 1-4039-8646-0, 264 pages, 2006, £60.

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