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UNRISD Research Coordinator to Speak on Women’s Social Protection and Employment at Bangladesh Symposium

10 Apr 2008

UNRISD Research Coordinator, Shahra Razavi, is to speak on ‘Linking social protection and employment: the care economy and implications of “in-kind” social protection’ in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 16 April 2008 at 4:00pm. Her presentation is part of the UNICEF ROSA 2008 Regional Policy-Makers’ Symposium on Social Protection as a Strategy in Transformative Social Policy, which is to take place from the 15-17 April at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel.

Ms. Razavi’s discussion presents the first results of the ongoing UNRISD research project ‘Political and Social Economy of Care’. As a consequence of women’s greater political visibility and agency, which has accompanied their entry into the paid work force, the time hitherto allocated to the care of family and friends has been drastically reduced. Yet, demographic shifts in many developed countries have increased the demand for professional and unpaid care. UNRISD’s research project on care investigates processes of social change, intersections of care work with the paid economy, institutional frameworks and social policies in a cross-country comparison.

Shahra Razavi will be available for interview via telephone or in person (Dhaka,Bangladesh) on 14 April 2008 after 12:00 pm, local time. She will be willing to discuss the research project or her work at UNRISD in general. For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact Richard Warren, Gloria Spezzano or Megan Blackmore at UNRISD on +41 (0)22 917 1497.

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