1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Mindful(l) of development: UNRISD welcomes 25 Master's students from ISS

3 Jun 2014

A group of Master’s degree students from the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, paid a visit to UNRISD on 2 June 2014 as part of their study programme. Katja Hujo, UNRISD Research Coordinator for social policy, received the 25 students and presented the ongoing research project, Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization.

The students of Social Policy for Development have a “critical interest in social policy oriented national and global issues”, according to a member of the group. They were familiar with a range of UNRISD research topics and engaged in lively debate throughout their visit.

Research coordinator Katja Hujo reflects: "This is exactly the kind of target audience we want to reach: students from so many different countries, specializing in social policy and social development issues, with diverse institutional backgrounds such as NGOs or government agencies. Many of them are practitioners that went back to academia in order to deepen their knowledge and skills on social policy, new capacities which they will eventually bring back to their countries and constituencies."

While the students’ research interests covered a great range of topics, many of them shared particular interest in issues related to education, youth and children. The 25 participating students hail from 20 different countries, with 23 students coming from the South.