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Event Brief from the UNRISD conference on Social and Solidarity Economy Published

12 Aug 2013

Event Brief from the UNRISD conference on Social and Solidarity Economy Published
With the growing interest in alternative production, finance and consumption, UNRISD held a conference in May to look at Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). This event aimed to raise the visibility of debates about SSE within the United Nations system and beyond, and contribute to thinking in international policy circles about a post-2015 development agenda.

We have now published an Event Brief, giving an overview of the conference and summarizing the issues discussed. The brief can be downloaded from the UNRISD website. The Brief is also available in Spanish.

Other materials available include videos from the conference, as well as podcasts. A playlist of the conference videos is available on UNRISD’s YouTube channel. It includes a general video that explains the issue, the opening and closing sessions of the conference, and selected presentations. You can also download the videos from UNRISD’s website, either from the video page or the conference outputs page.

Podcasts of conference presentations are also available. These can be downloaded free either from the conference outputs page or from the iTunes store, from where you can also subscribe to UNRISD podcasts.

Draft papers and presentations from the conference can also be found on the conference outputs page.

For more information about the project, go to the project page.