1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Deputy Director to participate in “The World Food Crisis and the Global South” conference in London, United Kingdom

26 Jan 2009

UNRISD Deputy Director, Peter Utting, will take part in a two-day conference entitled “The World Food Crisis and the Global South,” between 27 and 28 January 2009 at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London.

As UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has warned, the rapidly escalating food prices in almost all developing countries where food comprises from half to three-quarters of consumption expenditure have been jeopardizing people’s livelihood. This conference, therefore, is to analyse the contemporary food crisis, taking into account a broad-ranging set of issues, such as ‘food security’ policies and debates; agricultural policies and market reforms; land use, climate change and the environment; genome technology; rural livelihoods; poverty and hunger; international aid and trade.
At the conference, Peter is to present on the linkages between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), food security and inclusive development. He will address the strengths and weaknesses of CSR and its shortcomings in relation to food security.

This two-day conference will be an opportunity to explore current debates on the food crisis – bringing together key academics, policy makers and NGOs to discuss its causes and the implications for the South. Following reflections from leading commentators on global food policy and production on the first day, participants will examine the implications of the food crisis for Latin America and the Caribbean on its second day.

This event is co-organised by the Institute for the Study of the Americas and the SOAS Food Studies Centre. For further information about full conference programmes, please click here.