1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Special issue of the journal Sustainable Development: The poverty‐inequality‐environment frontier in the age of the crises

6 May 2021

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  • Title: Special issue of the journal Sustainable Development: The poverty‐inequality‐environment frontier in the age of the crises
  • Author(S): Andreas Antoniades, Alexander S. Antonarakis, Jonathan Gilman, Isabell Kempf, Anne Juepner and Kerstin Stendahl
  • Date: 28 Apr 2021
  • Publication: Wiley Online Library
Special issue of the journal Sustainable Development: The poverty‐inequality‐environment frontier in the age of the crises
This Special Issue is part of a joint initiative on “Financial Crises, Poverty, and Environmental Sustainability” by the Sussex Sustainability Research Project (SSRP) of the University of Sussex, the UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals (Poverty-Environment Action), and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). The aim of the project is to foster an evidence-based understanding of the multiple and complex ways in which poverty and environmental dynamics interact in moments of economic crises and how this interaction can be managed in a way that facilitates the transition to sustainability. Put differently, what “synergy drivers” there are and how they can be activated ...

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Learn more about UNRISD Bonn Programme on Integrating Knowledge and Capacity Development for the SDGs and the Call for Papers: Financial Crises, Poverty and Environmental Sustainability [International Workshop].