UNRISD Flagship Report on the Road: Lisbon and Barcelona
17 Feb 2017
UNRISD speakers have been taking the Flagship Report Policy Innovations for Transformative Change, launched last October, on the road around southern Europe in the last month or so with presentations in Lisbon and Barcelona. These events are a vital part of connecting our research findings with policy makers, thinkers, activists and practitioners, and influencing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Key social challenges of our time
UNRISD Director Paul Ladd presented the Flagship Report to the International Panel on Social Progress at its second Lead Author Meeting, which took place in Lisbon on 26-28 January 2017. Paul spoke at a plenary session in which he presented the UNRISD Report and shared his vision of the key social challenges of our time. He was in the company of other representatives from the UN as well as foundations, think tanks and NGOs to exchange perspectives on key policy issues and recommendations they would like the IPSP to take into account.
The IPSP is an independent grouping of the world’s leading researchers in sociology and economics, modelled loosely on the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which harnesses expertise on social change to develop research-based, multidisciplinary, non-partisan, action-driven solutions to the most pressing challenges of our time. Its primary output will be a report addressed to all social actors, movements, organizations, politicians and decision makers which will be published in September 2017.

Innovations and human rights
Barcelona is the destination for Dunja Krause, Associated Expert at UNRISD, to present the Flagship Report during a presentation on Transforming Cities: Implementing the 2030 Agenda at the Local Level. The talk is part of a seminar organized by the United Nations Association of Spain (UNA Spain) in cooperation with the City Council of Barcelona, which will be attended by a mixed audience of NGOs, lawyers, civil servants and university students among others.
Other speakers include representatives of UN Habitat, local development NGOs and the Barcelona County Council. The focus of the seminar, on innovation in cities and human rights, ties in well with the UNRISD Flagship Report, which features prominently in Dunja’s presentation to ensure that its finding make their way into the thinking of local and international actors working to implement the SDGs.
Photo credits: Praça de Dom Pedro IV, Lisbon by Hendrik Terbeck; Setembre_0005 by Joan (licensed under Creative Commons via Flickr).