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UNRISD Director to be Discussant at UNITAR Panel Discussion on Conflicts in Africa, May 16, Geneva

14 May 2008

UNRISD Director, Thandika Mkandawire, is participating as discussant at the Panel Discussion organized by UNITAR on the occasion of the 46th session of the Institute’s Board of Trustees on 16 May in the Palais des Nations.

The discussion, titled ‘Conflicts in Africa: Any Good News?’, is a good opportunity to review African recent history and to re-address the issue of the ‘challenge for Africa’ – bringing peace, security and development to a continent in need. What lessons can be learned from the past, is it all ‘bad news’, and what optimism lies ahead?

During the 90s, the African continent was characterized by civil and inter-State wars and hostilities, leading not only to a great number of death and displaced persons, but also to frail and instable democracies and economies. On the occasion of the 46th session of UNITAR’s Board of Trustees, selected members of the Board will comment and provide insight into whether the recent significant growth and development gains may be attenuating the difficulties of the recent past.

Together with Thandika Mkandawire, representatives of Norway, Republic of Congo and Republic of South Africa, as well as the Executive Director of UNITAR and the Under Secretary-General of the United Nations will be present.