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Building Strong Ties between Political Actors, Citizens and Investors: The Way Forward for Ugandan Revenue Mobilization?

18 Dec 2014

Building Strong Ties between Political Actors, Citizens and Investors: The Way Forward for Ugandan Revenue Mobilization?
On 24-25 September 2014, UNRISD organized the second Ugandan national workshop for its Politics of Domestic Resource Mobilization for Social Development project. Held at the Protea Hotel in Kampala, Uganda, the workshop created an opportunity for country researchers to share and disseminate their findings with a broad set of stakeholders such as academics, civil society representatives, and journalists, but also to receive feedback and insights from the invited experts.

Participants at the workshop included government representatives, international stakeholders, prominent researchers and members of Ugandan civil society, including media. The diversity of participant backgrounds led to a fruitful and lively discussion: many thoughts about the current state of Ugandan politics were voiced, and invaluable experiences were shared, contributing to a better understanding of the topic and the issues faced by the Ugandan government in improving the fiscal sustainability and effectiveness of social policies as well as the role of civil society and external actors in these processes

Two of the papers which served as the basis for discussion at the workshop are already available as working papers:

Please see the event page for a write-up of the workshop discussions.

Photo credit: Stefan Gara via Flickr