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Growth and Employment in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Join the conversation!

15 Feb 2013

Growth and Employment in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Join the conversation!
The initiative encourages online participants to “share thoughts and recommendations about: jobs and livelihoods; growth, diversification and structural change; development-led globalization; sustainability and growth”.

Opinions and proposals will feed into a forthcoming report by the UN Secretary-General and will ultimately influence intergovernmental discussions shaping the post-2015 development agenda.

Three thematic consultations are currently open for contributions. Comments can be posted in nearly 60 languages. Have your say!

Growth, diversification and structural change - 18 January - 25 February 2015
Can structural change generate sustainable economic growth and decent jobs?
What kinds of policies and strategies lead to structural change?
Which of these policies are implemented in your country and what can other countries learn from yours?
How can the poorest countries find resources to finance diversification and structural change?

Development-led globalization - 25 January - 1 March 2013
What are the employment implications of trade?
Is there an alternative trade agenda for inclusive and sustainable development?
What reforms to the international financial system are needed and possible?
What should be the role of partners and UN in reviving economic multilateralism?

Sustainability and growth - 31 January - 8 March 2013
Can growth be good for both people and the planet?
How to move away from a “grow now/clean up later” approach to industrialization?
How to keep the pressure of growth on environment to a minimum, while still benefiting from economic growth?
To what extent is the depletion of natural resources affecting livelihoods of people?

Click here to visit the WorldWeWant website, which hosts all the consultations.
Click here to visit the Growth and Employment e-discussion forum.


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