1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD’s Website Has a New Look!

24 Sep 2013

To mark UNRISD’s 50th anniversary, we have refreshed our website, with our new logo and a clean, more modern look.

With clearer navigation by research theme, the new homepage will make it easier for readers to find their way around the wide range of UNRISD’s current and past work

A carousel of images showcases some of the latest highlights of UNRISD’s work, including our latest videos and news of events around our 50th anniversary celebrations.

Job vacancies are now just a click away through the quicklinks at the bottom of each page.

And we’ve radically improved the search function with integrated Google search, to help you out when you’re looking for something specific.

In addition, a digital timeline of UNRISD’s work over the last five decades will be launched next week as the next installment of our 50th anniversary celebrations. Come back then and take look at the Institute’s rich and sometimes controversial history.

Feel free to explore the new look and let us know what you think on social media:
Facebook, LinkedIn and @UNRISD on Twitter.