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Book: Gender Justice, Development, and Rights

10 Jan 2003

Recent years have seen a shift in the international development agenda in the direction of a greater emphasis on rights and democracy. While this has brought many positive changes in women’s rights and political representation, in much of the world these advances have not been matched by increases in social justice. Rising income inequalities, coupled with widespread poverty in many countries, have been accompanied by record levels of crime and violence. Meanwhile, the global shift in the consensus over the role of the state in welfare provision has, in many contexts, entailed the downsizing of public services and the reallocation of service delivery to commercial interests, charitable groups, NGOs and households. Gender Justice, Development, and Rights reflects on this ambivalent record, and on the significance accorded in international development policy to rights and democracy in the post-Cold War era.

Key items on the contemporary policy agenda—neoliberal economic and social policies, democracy, and multi-culturalism—are addressed in this volume by leading scholars and regional specialists through theoretical reflections and detailed case studies. Together they constitute a collection which casts contemporary liberalism in a distinctive light by applying a gender perspective to the analysis of political and policy processes. Case studies from around the world contribute a cross-cultural dimension to the analysis of contemporary liberalism—the dominant value system in the world today—by examining how it both exists in and is resisted in developing and post-transition societies.

Introduction, Maxine Molyneux and Shahra Razavi
Part I: Rethinking Liberal Rights and Universalism
Women’s Capabilities and Social Justice, Martha Nussbaum
Gender Justice, Human Rights, and Neoliberal Economic Policies, Diane Elson
Multiculturalism, Universalism, and the Claims of Democracy, Anne Philips
Part II: Social Sector Restructuring and Social Rights
Political and Social Citizenship: An Examination of the Case of Poland, Jacqueline Heinen and Stéphane Portet
Engendering the New Social Citizenship in Chile: NGOs and Social Provisioning under Neoliberalism, Verónica Schild
Engendering Education: Prospects for a Rights-Based Approach to Female Education Deprivation in India, Ramya Subrahmanian
Part III: Democratization and the Politics of Gender
Encounters between Feminism, Democracy and Reformism in Contemporary Iran, Parvin Paidar
The “Devil’s Deal”: Women’s Political Participation and Authoritarianism in Peru, Cecilia Blondet
In and Against the Party: Women’s Representation and Constituency-Building in Uganda and South Africa, Anne Marie Goetz and Shireen Hassim
Part IV: Multiculturalism in Practice
The Politics of Gender, Ethnicity, and Democratization in Malaysia: Shifting Interests and Identities, Maznah Mohamad
National Law and Indigenous Customary Law: The Struggle for Justice of Indigenous Women in Chiapas, Mexico, R. Aída Hernández Castillo • The Politics of Women’s Rights and Cultural Diversity in Uganda—Aili Mary Tripp

Maxine Molyneux is Professor of Sociology at the Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London; Shahra Razavi is Research Co-ordinator at UNRISD.

Gender Justice, Development, and Rights is co-published with Oxford University Press under their series on Democratization. Paperback, ISBN 0-19-925645-4, GBP 18.99, 504 pages, 2002. Hardback, 0-19-925644-6, GBP 50.00, 504 pages, 2002.

Order from: Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK.