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New Book: Social Policy in a Development Context

4 Feb 2005

After two decades of exclusive focus on stabilization, policy making in developing countries has begun to shift its perspective to issues of social and economic development, poverty eradication and equity. This is happening at a time when consolidation of democracy is a concern in many countries. And there is a growing realization that social policy can provide a crucial link between various demands on policy making.

This book argues that such a move requires profound rethinking of social policy in developing countries so that it not only meets goals of intrinsic value but also serves as a major policy instrument in development.

Drawing upon both conceptual and empirical evidence, this volume argues the case for the centrality of social policy in development, focusing particularly on the message that social policy needs to be closely intertwined with economic policy. It is argued that social policy can provide the crucial link between economic development, poverty eradication and equity.

Social Policy in a Development Context: Introduction, Thandika Mkandawire
Part I: Conceptual Issues
From Universalism to Safety Nets: The Rise and Fall of Keynesian Influence on Social Development, Peter Townsend
Social Policy and Macroeconomic Performance: Integrating "the Economic" and "the Social", Diane Elson
Social Policy and Development: Social Capital as Point of Departure, Ben Fine
Democratization and Social Policy, Laurence Whitehead
Part II: Micro and Meso-Level Issues
Why Social Policy is Condemned to a Residual Category of Safety Nets and What to do About It, Judith Tendler
Inequality and Redistribution in Health Care: Analytical Issues for Developmental Social Policy, Maureen Mackintosh and Paula Tibandebage
Models of Development, Social Policy and Reform in Latin America, Carmelo Mesa-Lago
Part III: Historical Experiences
European "Late Industrializers": The Finnish Experience, Juhana Vartiainen
"Late Industrializers" and the Development of the Welfare State, Chris Pierson
The Role of Social Policy in Economic Development: Some Theoretical Reflections and Lessons From East Asia, Ha-Joon Chang
The Economic Crisis and the Politics of Welfare Reform in Korea, Huck-ju Kwon
Social Policy in Indian Development, Jayati Ghosh
Historical Trajectories of Social Policy in Post-Colonial Africa: The Case of Zambia, Guy Mhone

Thandika Mkandawire is Director of UNRISD.

Social Policy in a Development Context is co-published with Palgrave Macmillan, Paperback, ISBN 1-4039-3661-7, GBP 19.99. Hardback, ISBN 1-4039-3660-9, GBP 65.00; 354 pages, 2004.

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