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New Book: Racism and Public Policy

28 Jun 2005

Racism, xenophobia and intolerance are worldwide problems, which affect the life chances of individuals and development prospects of many countries. Much of the history of efforts to establish a responsive public sphere can be seen as struggles to demolish racial barriers and incorporate previously excluded groups in the system of rights and obligations that defines citizenship. The consolidation of citizenship requires promotion of social justice and equitable governance. However, these are often difficult to accomplish because they deal with redistributive issues, which may be seen in zero-sum terms by some citizens. Potential losers may resist reforms, while those who stand to gain may not be strong enough to defend them.

In a time when racism is on the rise as a source of conflict and social justice has been increasingly demanded from the civil society, this collection stands as a timely reminder that to ignore the racial factor in globalization forces is as mistaken as eliminating class analysis. The essays published in the present volume supplement the literature of comparative race relations from the standpoint of the theory of institutional racism and its effect on public policies such as immigration, citizenship, security and policing.

Notes on the Contributors
Introduction: Racism, Citizenship and Social Justice, Yusuf Bangura and Rodolfo Stavenhagen
Part I: Racism, Xenophobia and Citizenship
The Historical Construction of Race and Citizenship in the United States, George M. Fredrickson
Migrant Workers and Xenophobia in the Middle East, Ray Jureidini
Immigration, Multiculturalism and the Nations State in Western Europe, Jeroen Doomernik
Exclusionary Populism in Western Europe in the 1990s: Electoral Success and Political Impact, Hans-Georg Betz
Policing and Human Rights, Benjamin Bowling, Coretta Phillips, Alexandra Campbell and Maria Docking
Part II Racism and Social Justice
Poverty and Prosperity: Prospects for Reducing Racial/Ethnic Economic Disparities in the United States, Sheldon Danziger, Deborah Reed and Tony N. Brown
Malaysia’s New Economic Policy and "National Unity", Jomo K.S.
Managing Ethnic Relations in Post-Crisis Malaysia and Indonesia: Lessons from the New Economic Policy?, Khoo Boo Teik
The Politics of Land Distribution and Race Relations in Southern Africa, Sam Moyo
Intersections of Race, Gender and Social Policy in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Waihi I te toipoto, kaua I te toioa, Tracey McIntosh

Yusuf Bangura is a Research Coordinator at UNRISD. He received his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from the London School of Economics and Political Science and has taught in universities in Nigeria and Canada and worked as a visiting researcher in Sweden.

Rodolfo Stavenhagen is a Professor at El Colegio de Mexico. He has carried out research on problems of development, agriculture, indigenous peoples, human rights and ethnic conflicts in developing countries. He is a former Assistant Director General of UNESCO.

Racism and Public Policy is co-published with Palgrave Macmillan, Hardback, ISBN 1-4039-4916-6, GBP 55.00; 308 pages, 2005.

For a review copy of the publication, please contact Sylvie Liu at UNRISD: liu@unrisd.org

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