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Bringing UNRISD Research to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

26 Jul 2016

Bringing UNRISD Research to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
“If people say they don’t know how to make transformative change, show them the Preview of UNRISD’s 2016 Flagship Report”. These words from Nicole Ruder of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation summed up the impact of UNRISD’s Official Side Event at the 2016 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

At the event, which took place on 18 July 2016 at UN Headquarters, a large audience of government representatives, UN officials and members of civil society discussed just what the transformation which is fundamental to achieving the SDGs might look like. As one participant put it, there is much talk, and some fear, of making transformative change and UNRISD’s evidence-based definition of transformation helps to unpack some of the essential elements for that change to happen. To find out more, please access:
  • the handout that accompanied the event;
  • the Preview of the UNRISD 2016 Flagship Report Policy Innovations for Transformative Change;
  • the introductory video.

Also on 18 July, UNRISD opened a three-week online consultation to solicit pre-publication analytical and substantive feedback on the Flagship Report from all of our stakeholders—civil society, NGOs, academia and national governments, especially those in the Global South, as well as our United Nations partners and the donor community.

Please visit the consultation page on the UNRISD website to participate.

SSE to implement the SDGs

UNRISD was also present at the HLPF, the United Nations’ central platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs, at a second side event on 20 July 2016, on the "Social and Solidarity Economy as a Strategic Means to the Implementation of the SDGs". UNRISD Director Paul Ladd moderated the event, which was organized by the governments of France and Costa Rica, in collaboration with the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy, of which UNRISD is a founding member.

The event provided an opportunity to learn more about the SSE’s potential to contribute to fundamental changes needed in our economies to realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Speakers highlighted concrete steps being taken at the country level by governments, international agencies and civil society to improve policy and legislative frameworks, financing, research and indicators.

There were Opening Remarks by Mr. Vinicius Pinheiro, Special Representative to the United Nations and Director of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office in New York, and a Statement from the European Commission by Ms. Astrid Schomaker, Director of Global Sustainable Development. The panellists included government representatives from Cameroon, France, Greece, and Spain as well as speakers from civil society, academia and international organizations.

Korean National Voluntary Review

Finally, UNRISD Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi was in attendance at the presentation of the Korean National Voluntary Review on 20 July 2016, in which the country presented a report on its first year of SDG implementation. UNRISD contributed to the Review by undertaking interviews with key stakeholders, collecting statistical data, producing a background paper and providing editorial support, and was honoured to be present at the meeting where it was presented to the HLPF.


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