1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Research Coordinator to partake in CROP's Scientific Committee Meeting to Evaluate the Organization's Research Projects

24 Sep 2009

  • Author(s): Shahra Razavi
  • Press Contacts: Maya Yulistiani Minwary, Richard Warren

UNRISD Research Coordinator, Shahra Razavi, will participate in the International Social Science Council’s (ISSCC) Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP) meeting in Paris from 27 to 28 September 2009.

As part of CROP’s Scientific Committee, Razavi will partake in the board’s appointed task to evaluate the programme’s past research efforts and advise on the coordination of future research projects in order to make them more relevant to CROP’s overall scientific concept and goals.

CROP is an international NGO initiated by the ISSC in 1992 to execute intercontinental, multi-disciplinary research work for poverty reduction. The CROP Secretariat is located at the University of Bergen, Norway.