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Videos from UNRISD Policy Forum on Migration and Gender Available Online

28 Jan 2013

Videos of some of the presentations at an UNRISD policy forum on A Rights-Based, Gender-Equitable Approach to the Regional Governance of Migration: An Elusive or Achievable Prospect? are available online.


Christine Verschuur, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Karin Pape, Women in Informal Employment: Globalising and Organising (WIEGO)

Kristina Touzenis, International Migration Law Unit, International Office for Migration (IOM)

Audio Recording

For the full length audio recording of this seminar, download the audio file from the event page (see Media Files on the right hand side) or via the UNRISD iTunes podcast directory.

About the Seminar

Solutions to the challenges of international labour migration are typically sought at the global level. But in practice, most developments related to migration governance have taken place at the national, bilateral and regional levels. The past few decades have seen many initiatives to remove barriers to intra-regional labour movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America. These have often had more ambitious, rights-based goals—at least on paper—than similar projects in developed regions. Yet implementation of these initiatives has been slow or non-existent, and often triggered other difficulties for migrants.

This policy forum brought together a panel of experts from diverse fields and professional experience to discuss the status quo and future potential of the regional governance of migration.