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UN Director Presenting a Paper on African Policy and Development in Tokyo

4 Feb 2008

UNRISD Director, Thandika Mkandawire, is presenting a paper with the title ‘From Maladjusted States to Developmental States in Africa’ at the International Workshop for the Stocktaking Work on Asian Experiences of Economic Development and Their Policy Implications for Africa on 6 February 2008. The workshop is organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and takes place at the Institute for International Cooperation, Tokyo, Japan.

In his paper Dr. Mkandawire argues that policy reforms during the 1980s and 1990s left African states
maladjusted and unprepared for carrying out tasks of developmental states. While cautioning against the use of success formula for the establishment of a developmental state, Dr. Mkandawire in his paper makes suggestions for African development based on the Asian experience. Being aware of the trial-and-error quality of policymaking, he proposes institutional multitasking and synergy as useful developmental instruments.

Thandika Mkandawire will be available for interview either via telephone or in person (Tokyo, Japan) between 3.10pm and 5.30pm on 6 February. He will be willing to discuss the issues raised in his paper or his work at UNRISD in general. For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact Richard Warren, Julia Gin or Monika Kugemann at UNRISD on +41 (0)22 917 1497.

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