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UNRISD Director to Participate as Speaker in Poverty Reduction and Development Forum in Beijing

15 Oct 2010

UNRISD Director Sarah Cook is participating in the Poverty Reduction and Development Forum: “Transforming Development Pattern and Poverty Reduction”, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, China on 17 October at 2pm.

Hui Liangyu, Vice Premier of China, and Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women and former Chilean President, are guest speakers at the opening ceremony of the Forum.

Cook will be a speaker during the parallel session on “Economic Structure Adjustment, Urbanization, Employment Promotion and Poverty Reduction”. The discussions will focus on policy formulas and measures to eliminate uneven economic growth patterns, increase human security and improve states’ ability to provide goods and services for the poor.

Participants in this session include Su Ming, Deputy Director of the Research Institute for Fiscal Science of the Chinese Ministry of Finance; Shantanu Mukherjee, Policy Advisor for the UN Development Programme; and Luiz Pedone, Professor of International Relations and Public Policies/Political Science at the Fluminense Federal University, Brazil.