1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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DFID Research Strategy 2008–2013: Baroness Vadera Round-Table with Research Leaders

5 Oct 2007

UNRISD Director, Thandika Mkandawire, will participate in a round table meeting with research leaders to discuss the DFID Research Strategy 2008-2013 on Friday 12th of October in London.

The meeting will be discussing the global priorities for international development research. Participants will analyze what is priority research and how it should be conducted for maximum relevance. The outcome of the meeting will be used to advise Baroness Vadera on the future direction of DFID’s research strategy.

In 2006, the British government published Making Governance Work for the Poor, which highlighted the importance of new information and technology, as well as evidence-based policies for development. This knowledge is seen as fundamental to achieve growth and poverty reduction. Along these lines, DFID aims to create a new research strategy from 2008-2013, providing DFID with the opportunity to focus attention on the most pressing research challenges using innovative methods.

Since June 2007, DFID has and will be holding in person discussions in Uganda, Nigeria, Bangladesh, India, Ethiopia, China and South Africa.

DFID recognizes the present challenges for development and development research and therefore seeks to address how countries can deal with emerging issues, paying special attention to urbanization, globalization, climate change, new disease, trading opportunities, migration, changes in world economic power, etc.

URL: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/