1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Young Scholars Think Piece Series Launched

28 Jan 2014

Young Scholars Think Piece Series Launched
UNRISD is inviting post-graduate students to send innovative contributions to its new Young Scholars Think Piece Series. The Series aims to provide promising young researchers with an opportunity to present their research on social development on a wider platform than is possible within a university setting, thereby contributing to the diversity of ideas within the development community.

"Graduate students often produce some of the most innovative and in-depth fieldwork and empirical analysis, generating evidence that could be hugely valuable for the broader development community, but which often takes time to come to our attention. The initiative of a graduate student intern at UNRISD, the new Think Piece Series aims to identify and share such analyses and insights from young scholars," says UNRISD Director, Sarah Cook.

First Edition: Extractive Industries and Social Development

The Young Scholars Think Piece Series will take place in thematically organized, time-bound editions. This current first edition has a submission period from February to March 2014 and is based on the theme of Extractive Industries and Social Development.

Young scholars are therefore invited to submit think pieces of up to 2,000 words that speak to issues relevant to social development in mineral-rich contexts and/or related to extractive industries such as:
  • Human rights
  • Environment
  • Business/Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Migration
  • Gender
  • Children
  • Social Policy
  • Social Development
  • Communities/Local Development
  • Indigenous Peoples

The deadline for submission is 21 March 2014, and importantly, contributions must be endorsed by a member of faculty who is familiar with the field. For more details and to submit an entry, please see the Young Scholars Think Piece Series page.

Photo: Kent Yoshimura via Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)