1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Director to Participate in Round Table at African Film Festival.

25 Apr 2007

UNRISD Director, Thandika Mkandawire, is to participate in a round table discussion at the 4th Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa (Tarifa African Film Festival, FCAT) in Spain, 28 April 2007. The round table entitled 'A new “chance” for Africa? New IMF and World Bank programmes and initiatives', aims to focus on the most recent programmes of these two influential institutions with a view to examining their role in the African continent.

In previous years the festival has included a range of diverse activities. Although it is a Film Festival, and hence films play the leading role, it has always intended to offer to its ever-increasing audience a more complete vision of the African continent. Therefore, it has been committed to offer other activities complementary to the film showings such as round tables, exhibitions or concerts.

Furthermore, this round table takes on more relevance due to the fact that it will be followed by the showing of the last film of a great African filmmaker, Abderramane Sissako, Bamako, in which the issue of the role of both the IMF and the World Bank is raised. The film has already been favourably received on a international scale. Therefore, due to its relevance and the issues raised, the round table will also aim to introduce these two institutions and establish their relationship with Africa.

For more information on the Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa please click here.