1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Call for Papers for the UNTFSSE: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?

1 Jun 2018

Call for Papers for the UNTFSSE: Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?
This Call for Papers is now closed. Thank you for your contributions.


The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) is launching a Call for Papers to assess the contribution of SSE to inclusive and sustainable development, with a particular emphasis on local contexts. Organized by UNRISD, in its role as coordinator of the Task Force’s recently established Knowledge Hub, the Call for Papers aims to identify and mobilize research from different regions and territories that critically examines the role of SSE as a means of implementation for the SDGs.

Authors of the selected papers will be invited to present their work at a conference at the United Nations in Geneva, planned for June 2019. Selected submissions will also gain visibility through publication as working papers and think pieces. As publications under the banner of the Task Force’s Knowledge Hub, the pieces selected will have international impact and will contribute to UN efforts to scale up and promote SSE as means of implementation of the SDGs.

Access the full Call for Papers here

Research Themes and Questions

The Call invites researchers and practitioners to submit proposals for papers related to two main issue areas:

i. SSE as a means of implementation for the SDGs. Of interest are the ways in which SSE actors and institutions can facilitate the implementation of goals and targets associated with the SDGs, particularly in local settings. What works and why? What is the comparative advantage of SSE in relation to other forms of economy, in terms of minimizing trade-offs between different dimensions of development and promoting a more integrated approach? What actors and institutions are key for creating an enabling environment for SDG implementation through SSE? What is the scope for replicating positive initiatives in other local settings? Please note that papers examining local experiences related to a specific organization or grassroots initiative should attempt to go beyond a focus on micro dynamics or the micro level and also consider interactions with national and regional actors and institutions, as well as the mechanisms and scope for scaling up and replicating small scale local initiatives.

ii. Measuring SSE, its scale and impact. In a context where systematic data on SSE are still scarce, where definitions and indicators vary, and where statistics often fail to capture the diversity of SSE actors and impacts, the Call aims to identify robust methodologies and innovative solutions for measuring SSE and its impacts.

Abstract submission procedure

The submission process for the Call for Papers is open from 1 June until midnight CEST on 31 August 2018. To participate, please read the full Call for Papers and then follow these instructions:
  1. Click on the “Submit Abstract” button below, then click on “Login” (top right) and create an account with Indico, the UNOG accreditation system.
  2. You will be sent an email with an activation link. Click on the link to activate your account.
  3. Go to this page on Indico http://reg.unog.ch/e/SSE-SDGs and log in (top right) using your newly created credentials.
  4. Click on “Submit abstract” in the box on the left and fill in the boxes. Remember to attach your CV as a pdf.

Abstracts are accepted in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

FAQ for abstract and CV submission

- Your abstract should be 500-1,000 words long and should outline the main issues, hypotheses, arguments, methodology, country/regional focus, case studies to be considered, structure of the paper and keywords.
- Please attach your CV using the "Attached files" option. Submissions without a CV will not be accepted. Please attach your CV in pdf format.
- Where you are asked to identify your primary and co-authors, click “Search User” if the person has an Indico account (e.g. yourself); use the "Define new" field if the person does not.
- Note that you can edit your abstract after submission until the Call closes.


! Please do not use Internet Explorer to submit your abstract, as this browser is not supported by our system.
! Please check your spam folder if you cannot find the email with the link to activate your Indico account.

Key dates

Successful candidates will be notified in September 2018 and invited to submit a draft paper (approximately 6,000 words), due no later than 30 December 2018.

Some candidates will be invited to prepare shorter think pieces of approximately 1,500 words, instead of a paper, for publication and global dissemination via the UNTFSSE, UNRISD, and ILO SSE Academy websites and electronic newsletters.

An international conference with policy makers and other stakeholders on “SSE as a Means of Implementation for the Sustainable Development Goals” is planned for 25-26 June 2019 at the International Labour Organization in Geneva. Subject to funding, it is anticipated that travel and accommodation costs of selected paper presenters will be covered.

Authors will be expected to revise draft papers taking into account comments from UNRISD and the organizing committee. Subject to peer review, selected papers will be published by the UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub, or in an edited volume through a commercial publisher, or as a special issue of an academic journal. They should, therefore, not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

For further information, contact unrisdsocialandsolidarityeconomy at un dot org

The Call for Papers was carried out with the support of seed funding from the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Social Economy and Economic Solidarity of Luxembourg, in addition to UNRISD institutional funds.