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UN Deputy Director Presenting at the ‘Forum of Social Affairs and Development Ministers of the Arab Region’ in Amman, Jordan

10 Nov 2008

UNRISD Deputy Director, Peter Utting, is to give a keynote speech entitled ‘CSR from a Development Perspective: Trends, Debates and Policy implications at the UNESCO-organized ‘Forum of Social Affairs and Development Ministers for the Arab Region’, on 12-13 November 2008, in Amman, Jordan.

Peter’s speech will focus on the constant expanding agenda of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which implies new roles for business in society and development processes. He will also examine some of the debates that have arisen regarding the potential and limitations of CSR from the perspective of inclusive development. Peter will consider various policy implications, particularly related to the respective roles and responsibilities of states, business and civil society in advancing the CSR agenda and in redefining the role of business in society.

Several well-know and distinguished speakers will attend the forum to present their work on CSR and business and social development.

Peter Utting will be available for interview either via telephone or in person (Amman, Jordan) on 13 November. For further information or to schedule an interview, please contact Claudia Notthoff or Emma Gonzalez at UNRISD on +41 (0) 22 917 1497 or press@unrisd.org.

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