1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Research Co-ordinator Shahra Razavi and UNRISD Research Analyst Silke Staab are due to present “The Political and Social Economy of Care” workshop on 16th-17th October 2008 in Geneva.

15 Oct 2008

UNRISD Research Co-ordinator Shahra Razavi and UNRISD Research Analyst Silke Staab are due to present “The Political and Social Economy of Care” workshop on 16th-17th October 2008 in Geneva. Razavi and Staab will present the paper titled “The Social and Political Economy of Care: Contesting Gender and Class Inequalities” which focuses on the arena of care and the role of women. The workshop will disclose different policy responses both for care-recipients and care-givers, on the background of the inequalities of providing care both between the genders and between the household and society alike.

The points that the workshop will emphasize are that care work is productive as it contributes to human capabilities and to economic dynamism and growth. However, Razavi and Staab will highlight that unpaid care work needs to be more equally shared between women and men and shared between households and society.

Several UNRISD external collaborators will also participate in the Conference. Francie Lund from South Africa, Debbie Budlender from Tanzania and Argentinian Eleonor Fauer and Korea’s Ito Peng will disclose their Research reports on 16th October. Meanwhile, Juliana Martinez from Nicaragua, India’s Rajni Palriwala and Nadia Baghdadi from Switzerland will present their Research reports on 17th October.