1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Deputy Director to participate in Corporate Governance Experts Meeting in Coventry, United Kingdom

20 Mar 2009

UNRISD Deputy Director, Peter Utting, will take part in the three-day Corporate Governance Experts Meeting entitled “The Responsible Corporation in a Global Economy,” between 20 and 22 March 2009 at University of Warwick in Coventry, United Kingdom. Co-organised by Social Trends Institute and Warwick Business School, the conference aims to examine the role of Corporate Social Responsibility as an important contributor to public policy in the time of global economic crisis.

At the conference, Peter is to present on corporation and global governance from an international organisational perspective. With public institutions thinner on the ground on the international level compared to national levels, in the global economy corporations play more than a market role. They set standards for products, labour conditions, environmental quality, etc. Considering this, Peter’s presentation will focus on what issues can be raised for international organizations and for corporations themselves.