1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Impressive Response to Call for Young Scholars’ Think Pieces

3 Apr 2014

Impressive Response to Call for Young Scholars’ Think Pieces
UNRISD has over 70 entries to select from for the first edition of its Young Scholars Think Piece Series. Issues addressed in the submissions range from corruption to gender to human rights, all related to extractive industries and development. Nearly three quarters of the young scholars who responded to the call are from the global South, showing again how UNRISD works in innovative ways towards its mission to include new and emerging voices in the development conversation. Researchers at UNRISD will now review the entries and select up to five for publication on the UNRISD website in the coming months.

The Series aims to provide promising young researchers with an opportunity to present their research on social development on a wider platform than is possible within a university setting, thereby contributing to the diversity of ideas within the development community. In the selection procedure, preference will be given to original pieces offering alternative perspectives, highlighting marginalized viewpoints and bringing neglected issues to the fore.

As well as being published on the UNRISD website, successful contributions will be promoted through our social media networks. Successful participants will get feedback from UNRISD social development experts from an informed, critical point of view and be recognized as contributing scholars to United Nations research on social development. They will also receive a pdf certificate.