1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Deputy Director to present on “Social Responses to Inequalities and Policy Changes” at the final INEQ consortium meeting in Belgium

24 Nov 2008

UNRISD Deputy Director, Peter Utting, will present on “Social Responses to Inequalities and Policy Changes” at the Final Consortium meeting on Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects and Policies (INEQ) in Brussels, Belgium, on 26 November. INEQ is financed by the European Commission, and research institutes based in five European countries will be in attendance. The research project on inequality is part of the VI European Research Framework Programme “Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society”.

The conference will present some research findings of the European Research Consortium on "Inequality: Mechanisms, Effects and Policies". The concentration lies on three aspects of the research on inequality: Project Results and Implications for Policies; Work Packages on Economic Inequality and Work Packages on Social Inequality.

Peter’s presentation will focus on the mechanisms of policy influence, conditions and contexts conducive to policy reform and the responsiveness of mainstream policy actors and institutions to civil society contestation and advocacy.