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Call for Papers: Financial Crises, Poverty and Environmental Sustainability [International Workshop]

15 Jan 2020

Call for Papers: Financial Crises, Poverty and Environmental Sustainability [International Workshop]
This Call for Papers is now closed.

UNRISD is pleased to partner with the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme and UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals to announce a Call for Papers for an international workshop on Financial Crises, Poverty and Environmental Sustainability in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Bringing together academic experts from social and natural sciences, and national and international policy-making organizations, the workshop aims both to advance state-of-the-art research in the financial distress-poverty-environmental sustainability nexus, and to produce recommendations for policy action needed in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.

🔗 Please see the full Call for Papers here.

Conceptual overview of the workshop

Global debt has reached historically unprecedented levels at a time when substantially more funding is required to keep the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within reach. Financial distress has intensified, especially among low income countries, with significant negative impacts on social and poverty dynamics across a range of indicators, such as income, access to basic needs, health, education, and environmental poverty. Yet the impact of these social and poverty dynamics on different aspects of environmental sustainability (for example air pollutant emissions, forests/deforestation, water quality, ocean pollution, biodiversity, climate change, recycling, energy efficiency, sustainable consumption, agriculture and food, and green initiatives and R&D) remains under-studied. The workshop aims to bring together new evidence and to advance a new research programme on the nexus of financial crises, poverty dynamics and environmental sustainability within the framework of the SDGs. The purpose is to foster a better understanding of the multiple, complex and often opposing ways and channels through which the ‘punctuated degrowth’ of financial crises, poverty dynamics and environmental sustainability interact.

Practical workshop details

When: 14-15 December 2020 (rescheduled)
Where*: UN Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand
Costs: There is no workshop fee, but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Limited funding will be available to partially cover the costs for presenters from low-income and middle-income countries. Please see the Call for more details.

*NOTE: The venue and date continue to be monitored and are subject to change depending on the evolution of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

The best papers will be disseminated through the websites of the co-hosting organizations and will subsequently be reviewed for publication as a journal special issue and/or an edited book with a leading publisher.

For any additional questions please contact Dr Andreas Antoniades or Dr Alexander Antonarakis.

Workshop partners