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Journal of Comparative Social Welfare review on "Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics", UNRISD flagship report 2010

31 Oct 2011

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  • Title: Journal of Comparative Social Welfare review on "Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics", UNRISD flagship report 2010
  • Author(S): Sonia Kapur
  • Date: 3 Oct 2011
  • Publication: Journal of Comparative Social Welfare

"The volume is organized around three sections on: socially inclusive structural change; transformative social policy and poverty reduction; and the politics of poverty reduction that include 11 chapters. Each chapter has a number of relevant subchapters that spell out various dimensions of these three major foci. No volume has covered so much in depth as this one demonstrably has. ... The UNRISD deserves credit for the publication of this monumental study."

The book was reviewed by Sonia Kapur, University of Arkansas, USA

This review is posted with the permission from the Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, Volume 27, No. 3, October 2011.