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Call for Expressions of Interest: Mobilizing Revenues from Extractive Industries for Children’s Rights and Well-Being

4 Jun 2013

Call for Expressions of Interest: Mobilizing Revenues from Extractive Industries for Children’s Rights and Well-Being
UNRISD invites expressions of interest from researchers to prepare papers for a new policy-relevant research project, Mobilizing Revenues from Extractive Industries: Protecting and Promoting Children’s Rights and Well-Being in Resource-Rich Countries, focusing on Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Timor-Leste.

A total of eight papers will be commissioned, as follows:
  • Four research papers on Extractive Industries and the Financing of Child-Inclusive Social Development. One paper will be commissioned on each of the following countries: Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Timor-Leste.
  • Four research papers on The Political Economy of Mineral Resource Governance and Children’s Rights. One paper will be commissioned on each of the following countries: Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Timor-Leste.

Extent of papers: 10-000 – 12,000 words
Language: English
Deadline for first draft: 31 August 2013
Deadline for final revised draft: 30 September 2013

Researcher competencies, experience and skill requirements
  • Post graduate degree in Economics, Political Science, Development Studies or other social science disciplines (PhD desirable)
  • Experience in development policy research
  • Country expertise (Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Timor-Leste)
  • Proven publication record
  • Solid methodological and research skills
  • Fluency in English
  • Ability to write clearly and concisely

To submit your expression of interest (EOI)
Please ensure that you have read the full project description and paper terms of reference before completing the EOI form. All materials are available at www.unrisd.org/eiandchildren.

Please then send the following to pdrm@unrisd.org with the subject line “EOI submission” by midnight, 25 June 2013:
  • the completed EOI form
  • full CV (including academic record and list of publications)
  • a sample of a recent single authored piece of written work (published or unpublished) that is related to this research project
  • the names and contact details of two referees

More on this call
  • UNRISD particularly welcomes expressions of interest from women, young researchers and researchers from and based in developing countries.
  • Due to limited staff resources, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
  • Visit www.unrisd.org/eiandchildren
  • For further information contact pdrm@unrisd.org

Photo credit: Flickr / Joao dos Santos / World Bank (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


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