1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Researchers Present on Social Policy and Growth at DFID

18 Mar 2008

UNRISD Director Thandika Mkandawire is speaking on the morning of March 19, 2008 at the Social Development/Central Research Department Seminar of the UK Department of International Development (DFID). He will be giving an overview of social policy and growth. The event begins at 9:30am on Palace Street. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the ties between social policy and growth, as well as evaluate and develop the working definitions of social policy, with the aim of achieving inclusive growth. Ultimately, the goal is to bring the ideas into the realm of development policies and planning.

Joining Thandika are several UNRISD researchers who will be outlining their own expertise in the area as well as area studies. Shahra Razavi, UNRISD Research Coordinator for the Gender and Development Programme, will be speaking on the issues of gender with respect to social policy. UNRISD Researcher, Jimi Adesina will be covering social development lessons from Africa, while UNRISD External Research Coordinator’s Huck-ju Kwon, Manuel Riesco, and Massoud Karshenas, will be respectively discussing the case studies of Asian, Latin American, and Middle Eastern social development and lessons learned from those experiences.

Following the presentations by UNRISD Research Coordinators and Researchers will be a panel of experts on social policy and growth: Ian Gough, Professor Social Policy at the University of Bath; Diane Elson, Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex; and Robert Walker, Professor of Social Policy at Oxford University.