1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Central Asia: A New Focus for UNRISD

21 Jun 2002

Within the framework of the Institute’s project on the "Evolving Agricultural Structures and Civil Society in Transitional Countries: The Case of Central Asia", Krishna B. Ghimire, spent much of May 2002 in Central Asia, meeting with FAO representatives, officials at the various Ministries of Agriculture and statistical bureaus, academic experts and civil society actors.

The purpose of his mission was to gather information on national agrarian issues and strategic planning processes, ongoing debates over the speed and direction of different agrarian reform measures, principal research gaps and potential experts from the region. Taking advantage of his mission, he also conducted independent research in the Ferghana Valley of Kyrgyzstan, as well as in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, on evolving trends in rural socio-economic inequalities and the role of farmers’ organizations (especially rural trade unions). The collected data will be analysed and compiled in a thematic paper.