1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Board of Advisors Selected at ECOSOC Substantive Session Today in UN Office in Geneva

30 Jul 2009

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has confirmed the terms of five candidates to the Board of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) at its Substantive Session today. ECOSOC has been meeting at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland from 6 July to 31 July 2009.

The UNRISD Board, which has included academics, activists, ambassadors and individuals from the private sector, puts forth research ideas, reviews and approves work programmes. This year the Commission for Social Development nominated, during its forty-seventh session, the following five candidates for membership in the Board of UNRISD: Christian Comeliau (France), for a two-year term beginning on 30 July 2009 and expiring on 30 June 2011; Bina Agarwal (India), Yesim Arat (Turkey), Evelina Dagnino (Brazil) and Julia Szalai (Hungary), for a term beginning on 30 July and expiring on 30 June 2013.

Notes to Editors
  • The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) was created in 1963 and is an autonomous UN agency engaging in multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions of contemporary problems affecting development. Through its research, UNRISD stimulates dialogue and contributes to policy debates on key issues of social development within and outside the UN system.
  • Elected members of the UNRISD Board serve in their individual capacity. For more information on the UNRISD Board, please go to www.unrisd.org/people/board
  • For use of the information media; not an official record.