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Online Discussion on Unpaid Care: What Do You Think?

16 Oct 2014

Online Discussion on Unpaid Care: What Do You Think?
An online discussion on Addressing unpaid care in the post-2015 agenda will take place on Wikigender on 20-25 October 2014, promoted by the OECD. Anybody with access to an internet connection can join the conversation on unpaid care work with four invited experts, including Valeria Esquivel, UNRISD Research Coordinator for Gender and Development. The other lead discussants are Alison Aggarwal from the Australian Human Rights Commission, and Deepta Chopra and Zahrah Nesbitt-Ahmed from IDS.

To help galvanize the discussion, the organizers have provided some guiding questions:
  • Key issues: What are the challenges for addressing unpaid care work? How can we better collect data on unpaid care work to strengthen advocacy efforts?
  • Public actions and commitments: What actions should governments, donors, UN bodies and civil society take to reduce and redistribute unpaid care work?
  • Regional examples: In your area/region, do you have examples of successful initiatives, campaigns or programmes that involve men in unpaid care work? Which approaches are the most effective in changing attitudes and practices?

If you would like to discuss your opinions on these issues with the community, just go to the discussion, and type your comment into the box at the end of the page. Alternatively you can register via Disqus, Twitter or Facebook before typing your comment. Contributions should be short and can take the form of a comment, question or reply to another comment. Links can also be shared.

Wikigender is an open community-written website initiated by the OECD Development Centre to facilitate exchange and improve knowledge on gender equality-related issues around the world.