1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD and UNAIDS Launch Survey of World's Largest TNCs

15 Oct 2002

UNAIDS and UNRISD have just announced that they are conducting a survey of the world’s largest TNCs (ranked by foreign assets) and mining corporations, as well as of the largest national corporations in selected developing countries. This follows a request, by the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly on HIV/AIDS, that UNAIDS gather data on the response of transnational corporations (TNCs) to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. A questionnaire is now being sent to major transnational corporations. The survey is to take place until 30 November 2002.

The survey will provide valuable information about the challenges that HIV/AIDS is posing for large corporations, and the types of initiatives that are being taken to respond to these challenges. It will also help to identify the degrees of engagement across different sectors. As well as contributing to the international efforts to control the HIV/AIDS pandemic, it is envisaged that this information will be of strategic importance to the business community.

Information collected will be used in the preparation of a report to be published in 2003. The report will indicate which companies were surveyed and whether they responded.