1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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What's New for Africa? Seminar in Uppsala, Sweden

28 Nov 2007

UNRISD Director, Thandika Mkandawire, will participate in the seminar “What’s New for Africa? – Current Challenges and Future Scenarios” on Thursday 29 November at 5pm. The event will take place at the University Main Building, room IX, in Uppsala, Sweden, and is being organized by the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and sponsored by the Uppsala Association of International Affairs (UF).

The seminar provides an opportunity for participants to foster a greater understanding of African perspectives on future prospects for Africa. To be discussed are issues regarding the most important challenges for Africa in terms of policy making, how to refocus attention back on African problems to get them under control quickly, how Africa can regain control of its economic development and the social justice agenda, and what is the ideal future for Africans.

Thandika and other experts will be providing their extensive knowledge on African development policies and then there will be a question and discussion session. The UNRISD Director is joined by former UNRISD colleagues, Rene Loewenson and Roger Southall. Rene worked as an External Co-ordinator for the UNRISD project Community Responses to HIV/AIDS, and authored an UNRISD draft paper entitled “Globalization and Its Effects on Health Care and Occupational Health in Vietnam.” Roger worked on the UNRISD paper “Decentralizing Government and Centralizing Gender in South Africa: Lessons from the South African Experience” under the Policy Report on Gender and Development.