1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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UNRISD Research Coordinator Keynote Speaker at Reflections 2010: Managing Diversity, Reconciliation and Development Conference in Colombo

27 Oct 2010

UNRISD Research Coordinator Yusuf Bangura will deliver the keynote speech during the opening ceremony of the Reflections 2010: Managing Diversity, Reconciliation and Development conference
in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 31 October from 5.00 to 8.00 p.m. at the Galle Face Hotel.

Bangura’s speech, entitled “Managing Ethnic Diversity and Inequality in a Development Context”, will draw from the 2010 UNRISD Flagship Report, Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics.

Dr Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam, Chair for South-East Asian Studies at the University of Passau; and Professor Michael Roberts of the University of Peradeniya will also be guest speakers at the conference.