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Second Research Workshop in New Delhi for “When and Why Do States Respond to Women’s Claims?” Project

23 Oct 2014

Second Research Workshop in New Delhi for “When and Why Do States Respond to Women’s Claims?” Project
The UNRISD gender team is organizing the second workshop for this multi-country project, which now focuses efforts not just on writing-up initial findings but also sharing them with selected stakeholders. It will take place on 29-31 October 2014 in New Delhi.

The research teams will present the primary research conducted in China, Indonesia and India, and they will be able to make key progress in comparing findings across issues. The teams will also plan the next stage of the project: dissemination of the research findings and analysis. With the support of resource people from academia, civil society, development agencies and UN agencies, they will develop a strategy to meaningfully contribute to academic, policy and activist debates and practices at national and international levels.

The UNRISD project When and Why do States Respond to Women’s Claims? Understanding Gender-Egalitarian Policy Change in Asia seeks to understand how policy change to strengthen women’s rights occurs. Research under way in three of Asia’s largest and most diverse countries (China, India and Indonesia) is examining when and why states respond to women’s claims-making; the factors and conditions under which non-state actors can effectively trigger and influence policy change; and the mechanisms necessary to ensure that issues get onto policy agendas. Key focus areas for the project are violence against women, labour rights of domestic workers, unpaid care work and women’s land rights.

The workshop will be attended by a rich variety of stakeholders as well as researchers from the project:

Coordinating Team
  • Nitya Rao: External Project Coordinator, University of East Anglia, UK
  • Paola Cagna: Research Analyst, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Switzerland

Representing the India Research Team
  • Shraddha Chigateri: Indian Team Coordinator, Institute for Social Studies Trust, India
  • Mubashira Zaidi: Research Associate, Institute for Social Studies Trust, India
  • Anweshaa Ghosh: Research Associate, Institute for Social Studies Trust, India

Representing the Indonesia Research Team
  • Sri Wiyanti Eddyono: Indonesia Team Coordinator, Semarak Cerlang Nusa - Consultant, Research and Education for Social Transformation, Indonesia
  • Juni Warlif: Research Fellow, Semarak Cerlang Nusa - Consultant, Research and Education for Social Transformation, Indonesia
  • Haiziah Gaziali: Research Fellow, Semarak Cerlang Nusa - Consultant, Research and Education for Social Transformation, Indonesia
  • Farha Cicik: Research Fellow, Semarak Cerlang Nusa - Consultant, Research and Education for Social Transformation, Indonesia

Representing the China Research Team
  • Du Jie: Chinese Team Coordinator, Women’s Studies Institute of China, China
  • Yang Rujun: Research Assistant, Women’s Studies Institute of China, China

Authors of Thematic Papers
  • Govind Kelkar: Senior Adviser, LANDESA, India
  • Jacqui True: Professor, Monash University, Australia
  • Anne-Marie Goetz: Clinical Professor, New York University, USA
  • Rob Jenkins: Professor, City University of New York, USA

Representing the Project Advisory Board
  • Renu Khanna: Project Advisor, SAHAJ - Society for Health Alternatives

  • Sarah Cook: Director, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Switzerland
  • Jayati Ghosh: Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
  • Ramya Subrahmanian: Executive Director, Know Violence against Children: A Global Learning Initiative, India
  • Ratna Sudharsan: National Fellow, National University of Education Planning and Administration, India
  • Liz Fajber: Senior Social Development Adviser, DFID, UK
  • Subhalakshmi Nandi: Women’s Economic Empowerment Specialist, UNWomen, India (TBC)
  • Rebecca Tavares: Representative, UNWomen, India (TBC)
  • Siganporia Scherazade: Technical Expert in Gender and Cross-Cutting Issues, GIZ, India (TBC)