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UNRISD Director Gives Keynote Speech on Poverty Report in Geneva

16 Nov 2010

UNRISD Director Sarah Cook will give a keynote speech on the 2010 Flagship Report Combating Poverty and Inequality during the European Association of Development Research and Training Institute (EADI) Director’s Meeting on 17 November. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva will host the meeting in its AJF Auditorium, with keynote speeches from 2.45 to 6.00 p.m.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for research institute directors to network and discuss the state of development research in Europe. Other speeches will highlight the conclusions of the World Science Report and European Report on Development. A panel discussion will examine how research institutes should approach the new development agenda.

Other keynote speakers include Françoise Caillods, Senior Managing Editor of the World Science Report; Paul Engel, Director European Centre for Development Policy Management; and Adebayo Olukoshi of the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP).

For further information on the UNRISD report, visit: www.unrisd.org/publications/povertyreport