1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Di McIntyre

Former Collaborating Researcher

Di McIntyre collaborated with UNRISD for the project Ageing, Development and Social Protection 2001-2003. At the time of her collaboration with UNRISD, she was Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, where she has worked since 1988.
She is the Founder and Director of the Health Economics Unit since 1990. She has nearly 20 years of experience in health economics and health policy, and has worked primarily in Southern and East Africa. McIntyre's main research interests are the evaluation of health equity issues, and the analysis of health sector reform initiatives. She is involved in a wide range of training and technical support activities. She has also served on a number of governmental policy advisory committees and involved in a range of health economics and policy capacity development initiatives within the African region.