1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Hyuna Yi

Former Intern (Research)

Hyuna joined UNRISD as a Research Intern in May 2017. Currently based in Seoul, Hyuna assists Senior Research Coordinator Ilcheong Yi and Research Analyst Suyeon Lee with the project “Social and Solidarity Economy for the SDGs: Spotlight on the Social Economy in Seoul.”
Hyuna is a master’s candidate at the Munk School of Global Affairs in University of Toronto. She received her Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and International Development from McGill University in 2014.

Prior to joining UNRISD and pursuing a master’s degree, Hyuna gained professional experience at various public and civil society organizations. Most recently, she worked at the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Rwanda as an ODA (Official Development Assistance) Young Professional.

Hyuna also has a diverse volunteering experience focused on promoting education equity, social justice, and civic political empowerment, including at an elementary school Peru, an afterschool care and education centre in Eumseong, Korea and at a grassroots CSO in Seoul. To add to her international experience, Hyuna plans on participating in an academic exchange at the Paris School of International Affairs in Sciences Po from Fall 2017.