1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Ricardo Gottschalk

Former Collaborating Researcher

Ricardo Gottschalk collaborated with UNRISD for the project Poverty Reduction and Policy Regimes (2007-2010) and the flagship report Combatting Poverty and Inequality (2006-2010), for which he wrote a paper on the effects of the macroeconomic framework of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs). At the time of his collaboration, Gottschalk was a research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, UK. He holds a DPhil degree in Economics from the University of Sussex.
His publications include The Macro Content of the PRSPs: Assessing the Need for a more Flexible Macroeconomic Policy Framework in Development Policy Review 23(4); Development in International Financial Policies (with Griffith-Jones, S. and Rosser, A.), in Policy Coherence for Development in a Global Economy, The Development Dimension Series, OECD (2005); and Should Capital Controls Have a Place in the Future International Monetary System? (with Williamson, J. and Griffith-Jones, S.), in Urzan, M., (ed) The Future of the International Monetary System, Edward Elgar (2005).