1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo

Former Collaborating Researcher

Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo collaborated with UNRISD for the project Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy (2012-2013). For the project he wrote a think piece, entitled "Solidarity Economy Initiatives from the Ground Up: What can we Learn from the Women Home-based Workers of Southeast Asia?"
Rosalinda is professor and dean of the College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines, where she taught in the doctoral program on social development, and the graduate program on women and development studies.

She has been working and learning with homebased workers for more than two decades, beginning with research and organizing of the national network called PATAMABA. She has served as a volunteer Regional Coordinator of Homenet Southeast Asia, a network of homebased workers’ organizations and focal points for organizing in seven countries. In this capacity, she helped organize a subregional workshop on solidarity economy initiatives in Vientiane, Laos, in 2008, which generated many of the insights she put together in a paper she later presented in other international conferences. Her research and academic work, including her doctoral dissertation, has focused very much on homebased workers.