1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Ramya Subrahmanian

Former Collaborating Researcher

Ramya Subrahmanian collaborated with UNRISD for the projects Gender Justice, Development and Rights (2000-2002) and Gender and Social Policy (2002-2004), for which she wrote a paper Gender and Education: A Review of Issues for Social Policy (2002) and a draft paper Secondary Education in the Indian State of Utar Pradesh: Gender Dimensions of State Policy and Practice. At the time of her collaboration, Subrahmanian was a Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, UK, working on social policy and gender issues. Her particular focus is on primary education, and the intersections between livelihoods, poverty and household strategies for investing in education. She is also interested in education policy processes and decentralisation of education management. She is the co-editor with Naila Kabeer of Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender-Aware Planning (Kali for Women 1999; Zed 2000).