1963-2018 - 55 years of Research for Social Change

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Adams Oloo

Former Collaborating Researcher

Adams Oloo has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Delaware and is currently Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the University of Nairobi. He is writing a paper for UNRISD on Developmental State Capacity and Institutional Reform in Kenya.
His publications on development and institutions in Kenya include, "Devolution and Democratic Governance: Options for Kenya", IPAR Discussion Paper 077/2006; "The Legislature and Constitutionalism in Kenya," with Mitullah, W. in Mute, L. and Wanjala, S. (eds) (2002), When the Constitution begins to Flower; and “The Democratization Process in Kenya: Prospects and Obstacles," co-authored with Walter Oyugi in Said Adejumobi and Abdalla Bujra, (eds.), Breaking Barriers, Creating New Hopes: Democracy, Civil Society and Good Governance in Africa, Addis Ababa: DPMF, 2002.